Great Memories Make Great Music.

Our Goal.

Supporting artists with their vision on their project. This while building a good relationship with the artist as a label and making memories along the way. Let’s grow together. Let’s have fun.


We want to make sure every artist can be his or her true authentic self. It is our goal to honor artists and to highlight the persons artistry as best as possible. every artist has their own creative imagination. We believe that the uniqueness of the artist is the secret weapon of timeless music and success, especially during this time.

Our motto is: Great memories make great music. We believe that the most important thing in the process of creating music is having a good time and enjoying the sessions and collaborations. This is what will make the music so great. The memories are not a consequence of writing music, it is the product.

Instead of wanting to shape artists and have them fit into a certain commercial criterion and going along with the hype, we want to let the artist go in their own direction and let their own visions take center stage. We want to bring together the best creators who can strengthen each other's talents. We believe this is the way to create timeless music.

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Writers Off The Block #5 and #6 - April 2024 (Official Aftermovie)

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