Call My Name

21Lights & Johnny K. Palmer


Performed by: 21Lights & Johnny K. Palmer

Written by: Johnny K. Palmer, Terhi Pippuri

Produced by: Bas Wissink

The story.

21Lights: We wrote this song almost a year ago in the summer of 2024 in Edinburgh (Schotland). At the start of the session, we were all on the same page immediately and we just wanted to write something that felt good. Nothing heavy. Just something easy to listen to which brings you an uplifting feeling, hope or just some good vibes. Call My Name was a fun project to work on with a team which felt perfect for the job. Thanks and enjoy ❤️

Johnny K. Palmer: “Thinking back on the emotions in the room when we wrote this song last year in the summer at the Unified camp in Edinburgh, everyone was excited and motivated, there was a sense that we are making something special today. I love feeding off the energy in the room. It makes a big difference when you start a creation process. I really enjoyed writing this song with Bas and Terhi… everything went smoothly and hand-in-hand. For me call my name is A song about Hope about knowing that no matter what happens in life no matter how often you fail or what unexpected tragedies come there will always be those people in life that you can rely on. There is always someone that you can call for support. it reminders us that we need each other it reminds us of the importance of asking for help and not trying to face life challenges on our own. I hope this song can be an encouragement for many.”

Terhi Pippuri: “We wrote ”Call My Name” at a song camp in Edinburgh a year prior to its release, in summer 2023. I remember playing through some chord changes in our session, Johnny singing a topline and Bas started creating the track after we listened to a couple of reference songs together. The lyrics are about being there for somebody else which is a very important topic to me - and I think very relatable to many others as well. One of my goals as a songwriter is to make people feel better, connected and understood through music so I am happy that this song is now out for others to enjoy it, too. The world definitely needs more hope and people supporting each other, as well as bangers!”

Check it out.
