Learn to Live Without You

Kaiya Campbell, Luigi Neighbours, Lasent


Performed by: Kaiya Campbell, Luigi Neighbours, Lasent

Written by: Kaiya Campbell, Luigi Nabuurs, Niels Sakko

Produced by: Niels Sakko

The story.

Luigi Neighbours: “Bittersweet is how I would describe ‘Learn To Live Without You’. It’s knowing you will figure out how to be okay not having them as a part of your life again, while also acknowledging the pain of letting the person you thought truly was the one for you go. Building a new vision of what your future is gonna look like, but having all of the plans and dreams you made together vanish. And how sometimes you can still wonder if it really was the right decision to end it, but accepting your new reality as it is. I was going through this process as well when we wrote it, so it was very therapeutic to capture it in a song. I hope everyone who is living through the same can find solace in our piece of music and be reminded you will be okay!”

Kaiya Campbell: “‘Learn to Live Without You’ is a melancholy song that portrays the experience of letting someone go not because you want to, but because you know you should. When we were writing the track, we all were going through something similar, and we could all empathize with each other, which made the process easy. It's actually the first song I made at a writingcamp, so it feels special to me.”

Lasent: “During the session, we felt like making an emotional song. Luigi started playing on his guitar, and we ended up writing about learning to live without a person you really love; something a lot of people can probably relate to. Although it is a sad topic, we wanted to give it a hopeful approach; you’ll be okay. The song means a lot to me personally, as I was also struggling with this myself at the time we wrote it. This is what made me very connected to the song, and what made me want it to share with others.”

Check it out.
