

Performed by: Losertown

Written by: Oscar van de Steeg, Dana van Bergen, Owen Vos

Produced by: Owen Vos

The story.

Losertown: “WELCOME TO LOSERTOWN! And I hope you’ll be here for a while cause I got a lot to tell you.

Ever feel like the odd one out? Well I sure did. And I always wanted to write a song about it. I suppose “Losertown” can be interpreted in two ways. Either you’re the weirdo in a place that’s too normal or you’re the only one with a functioning brain. Whichever one it may be, you find yourself somewhere you’d rather not be. So what do you do? You try to get out ofcourse!

The making of this song was an incredibly fluent process. I actually wrote the chorus a few years ago but I never found the motivation to finish it and give it a bigger meaning. Not until May 2023, when I went to a writingcamp and finally gave it some purpose. The song wouldn’t be what it is today if I didn’t have the tremendous help I got from Owen Vos and Dana van Bergen. Besides the fact that it was just pure vibes, they were a huge motivation with their unparalleled production/songwriting skills. It was truly one on the most memorable writing sessions I’ve ever taken part of.

Okay yeah ummm, that’s the gist of it. There are quite some fun details left worth mentioning but you’ll find out soon enough if you stick around.

So I guess I’ll see you and I hope you enjoy your stay >:D

Yours Truly,


Dana van Bergen: “During the writingcamp “Writers Off The Block”, Oscar, Owen, and I were placed together in a session. We didn't know each other yet, but there was immediately a nice atmosphere present! We sat down outside by the water and talked and gathered inspiration. After we had all shown some of our stuff, Oscar let us hear a bit of an idea/setup that he had made once. This immediately appealed to us! Owen started producing and breathed life into the song! Oscar and I brainstormed about the lyrics and potential melody lines for the song, which complemented each other very well. The song has become Oscar's theme song for his arist project 'Losertown'. We wrote the song about a boy from a small town (Losser) who is completely out of place there and dreams of becoming a big artist. Oscar slammed his guitar and lead vocals on it, and together with the harmonies, it all came to life. We had a nice session, laughed and shared creativity while writing and producing the song.”

Owen Vos: “WELCOME TO LOSERTOWN! started at the 3rd day of the WOTB writingcamp. It was one of the most fun sessions I ever had. From the beginning of the session there was already a good vibe and energy even though we didn’t know each other that well. There was that feeling that we were gonna write something amazing that day which, if I’m being honest, you kind of have to if you’re working with these 2 insane talents! I’ve also never had that many laughs in a session before, Oscar and Dana are the funniest human beings you will ever meet. After listening to some of Oscars demo’s we picked a demo that we know now as “Welcome To Losertown” a.k.a. Losertown’s anthem.

“Welcome To Losertown” is about growing up in a small town with small-minded people that don’t believe in your dreams. And part of how it worked so well is that Dana, Oscar and I all grew up in a similar small town with the same experiences and I think a lot of people can relate to the song.

I am really honored to have been part of this project and had a lot of fun making the song!”

Check it out.


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